Rick Scott claims everyone involved in Trump’s trials is ‘part of the Democrat machine’


Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) claimed Sunday that all who are involved in former President Donald Trump’s trials are “part of the Democrat machine,” citing Trump’s trials as election interference.

Trump is facing a multitude of trials while running for president again, which could end up being a rematch between him and President Joe Biden. Scott defended the former president, calling him “a friend,” and accused the Democratic Party of being “thugs” for trying to stop Trump from running for president.

“But here’s the deal, just think about this,” Scott said on Fox News’s Fox News Sunday. “The Justice Department and Biden Justice Department sent their No. 3 person down to be the lead prosecutor. Does that not sound bad? His wife is a big donor, right? The judge is a Democrat donor. The judge’s daughter is a big Democrat fundraiser. Everybody involved in this, right, is part of the Democrat machine. And so, it looks horrible what’s going on here.”

Scott also condemned the gag order that Trump has been given during his presidential run, arguing that the former president was given this order just to keep him from winning the 2024 election. Trump has violated this gag order several times, with Judge Juan Merchan warning the former president that future violations could result in him getting jail time.

The Florida senator was in New York on Thursday to support the former president in court, where Trump is attending his hush money trial.


In regards to this year’s presidential election, Scott contended that Biden cannot win voters over with his track record as president, which has consisted of conflict across the globe, an insecure southern border, and “unbelievable” inflation. He argued that this is the reason Trump is facing so many legal battles because voters prefer Trump’s handling as president compared to Biden’s.

A poll questioning respondents about a rematch between Trump and Biden found that Trump is trusted on more topics among the respondents, including inflation, the war in Gaza, and safety from crime. Sen. Joe Manchin (I-WV), who has been critical of both Republicans and Democrats, contended in a recent interview that Trump could very well beat Biden in November.

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