Robert De Niro worries people are not taking Trump ‘seriously’ and likens him to Mussolini and Hitler


Actor Robert De Niro expressed concerns about voters not taking former President Donald Trump “seriously” in this election as he compared the 45th president to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

“I don’t understand why people are not taking [Trump] seriously,” the actor said during an appearance on The View to promote his new film, Ezra.

“You read about it historically and other countries that didn’t take the people seriously,” he added.

De Niro gave the example of “Hitler and Mussolini” and how people who warned about them were treated as “fools and clowns.”

“Who does not think that this guy is going to do exactly what he says he’s going to do?” he asked as the audience and television hosts applauded.

“And then what? We’re gonna sit around and say what? ‘We told you so?'” the Hollywood star said on Tuesday.

De Niro said a Trump reelection would “change this country for everybody.”

“[Trump supporters] might think it’s going to make their life better,” he warned, adding that they are supporting “anger and hate” when they vote for the former president.

“Those people who support him with anger and hate — because that’s what he’s about — they’re going to see,” he said.

“I see what a hateful, mean-spirited, awful thing he is,” the actor said.

“When I say I want to punch him in the face, I want to because of what he said to a bystander at one of his rallies, that he wanted to punch them in the face. You don’t talk that way to people. What kind of person does that?” the Goodfellas star said.

De Niro then gave an expletive-filled rant that he worried the former president wants to “do the worst thing he can possibly do.”

The View censored his profane audio, but he seemed to say to the hosts about Trump, “His slogan should be ‘F*** America. I want to f*** America.'”

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg interrupted him to add, “If he becomes president again, listen, he’s not going to not stop being president. You understand this? His idea is to stay in until he drops dead.”


“That’s it,” De Niro agreed with Goldberg.

“Imagine if he actually did win the presidency. It’s over. We’re going to have such civil strife,” he explained. “It’s what he envisions the world to be, which is chaos and craziness.”

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