Pro-Israel summit to change venues after Nashville hotel cancels due to ‘pro-Hamas thugs’ demands


Sonesta Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee, has backed out of hosting a conference in support of Israel after receiving a multitude of calls from a local pro-Palestinian group.

HaYovel, one of the sponsors of the event called the Israel Summit, was contacted by the hotel’s leadership to let them know that the summit scheduled to be held May 20-22 could not be held at the building. Police cited concern for guests’ safety due to “the threatening nature of the calls and messages they received,” according to a report.

The Israel Summit is described as “the first annual gathering of pro-Israel supporters who unconditionally support Israel’s right to be sovereign in the entirety of the land of Israel, including Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.”

“We will move forward with this event at a different venue and show these thugs that they will not be rewarded for their unconstitutional, hateful actions,” a statement from HaYovel read. “Now, more than ever, it is important that America stands unconditionally with Israel and that we publicly show that we cannot be intimidated by pro-Hamas thugs.” 

It is unclear who specifically called the hotel, though the group Palestine Hurra Collective Nashville had posted a statement on social media encouraging followers to call the hotel and ask it not to host the conference. The post included the hotel’s email address and phone number.

It is not known where the Israel Summit will now be held, though its website still states that it will take place from May 20-22.


The three day conference consists of a gala dinner on Wednesday evening as well as a music concert by Israeli musician Yair Levi. A total of 16 speakers are listed on the conference’s website, including former 2012 Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.

The Washington Examiner has contacted Sonesta Hotel for comment.

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