Eric Trump cautions that Bush and Obama could be investigated if Trump is not granted immunity


Executive Vice President of the Trump Organization Eric Trump, one of former President Donald Trump‘s sons, warned that if the Supreme Court does not issue his father immunity, prosecutors are “going to go after every single president.”

On Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo, Eric Trump said presidents should receive full immunity from actions done while in office, or else a dangerous precedent of investigating former presidents, including former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, could be set in place. Eric Trump outlined his takeaways from last week’s oral arguments before the high court.

“God help us if they get it wrong, that’s what I take away. I know the system very, very well,” Eric Trump said. “The only people who are going to benefit are the big law firms in Washington, D.C., because they are going to go after every single president.” 

Eric Trump questioned where prosecution of a former president would stop, saying “They’ll start with Obama, fast and furious, right where he gives two thousand weapons to cartel members. Then, they’ll go to Obama where he weaponized the IRS against conservatives.”

He continued, “Where do you want us to stop? They could go after George Bush for lying about weapons of mass destruction,” Eric Trump said. “Where does this stop, Maria?”

During the Supreme Court’s oral arguments last week, justices generally seemed to agree that former President Donald Trump does not have blanket immunity from prosecution. The conservative justices were more so concerned about how the decision could affect future presidencies than as it pertained to Trump, while the liberal justices believed full immunity would create a “lawless King” out of Trump. 

Eric Trump said the only “winners’ from a Supreme Court decision that does not grant total immunity will be lawyers in Washington, D.C.

He also said he believed prosecutors would go after President Joe Biden after his presidency.

“The floodgates are going to open, and I guarantee you Joe Biden will not have one foot outside of the White House before they start going after him illegally, ruthlessly,” Eric Trump said. 

He reaffirmed that presidents need immunity post-Oval Office. 

Presidents need immunity in this country. If they don’t, their entire tenure as president is literally going to be filled in depositions and subpoenas like they’ve tried to do to my father for the last eight years,” Eric Trump said. 

“We can’t have this legal lawfare in this country, we need a president to actually be able to function and run the United States of America,” Eric Trump said.


When asked about a potential decision coming in June, he concluded that presidents need total immunity in order to govern successfully.

“I certainly hope that presidents have absolute immunity and if they don’t, they’re not going to be able to function as Presidents of the United States,” Eric Trump said.

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