Rudy Giuliani starts new show on X in wake of radio firing


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani thanked those who have supported his new show amid a recent shake-up, which involved him getting fired from his radio show on WABC in New York City.

Giuliani’s recent firing occurred when John Catsimatidis, the owner of WABC, fired the former mayor due to his repeated claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump. Giuliani, who worked as an attorney for Trump during his presidency, has since brought his show onto X, where he thanked his listeners for their support in the wake of his firing.

“I’ve never compromised my integrity for money, and I never will, no matter the consequences,” Giuliani posted. “There’s too much at stake. We have a country to save.”

As of Thursday, Giuliani has released four episodes of his show on X, with his latest one discussing the recently announced debates between Trump and President Joe Biden. Giuliani described the scheduled date, June 27, for the first presidential debate as an “interesting tactic,” and predicted that it will be “a tryout” to see how Biden performs against Trump before the Democratic National Convention in August.

On X, Giuliani claimed that he never promised not to talk about the 2020 election, claiming that it was “the number one topic I discussed on air.” He also accused Catsimatidis of “caving to pressure from the Democrat Party machine.”


On Tuesday, Giuliani shared the phone number and email address to WABC on X, and asked social media users to call the station to see if it supports free speech after he was fired. 

Catsimatidis had filled in for Giuliani’s show on Sunday, during which he described the fallout between him and the former mayor as “very tragic.” He also explained that Giuliani was given “three strikes” not to talk about whether or not the 2020 election results were legitimate, and that Giuliani’s behavior made it “hard not to terminate him.”

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