Don-Ron 2024: Republicans want DeSantis for vice president


Republican voters have largely settled on who they want former President Donald Trump to select as his running mate.

As both the first and second pick, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is the choice, and it’s not close.

“DeSantis, the energetic and successful Florida governor, takes in 29% of all the votes,” said the latest I&I/TIPP poll.

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, whom Trump has ruled out of the running, is the next favorite but far off in the survey.

Trump has promised to announce his choice soon, and he said that his supporters won’t find it surprising, a big hint that DeSantis is at or near the top of Trump’s list too.

Others at the top of the poll include South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, Vivek Ramaswamy Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, and former Health Secretary Ben Carson.

Long shots include media’s Tucker Carlson and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

The survey came up with its results by asking Republican voters who their first choice would be, then asking who their second choice would be, and then averaging them together.

DeSantis won both questions, making him the easy pick.

The polling analysis explained why that process works to come up with how voters feel.


“Why do this exercise? By adding the two totals, we get a more-focused reading on whom Republican voters like best and want most as their next vice president. It’s a hidden preference.

“And it isn’t really close, given the number of contestants. DeSantis, the energetic and successful Florida governor, takes in 29% of all the votes. Only Haley (12%), Abbott (12%), Ramaswamy (11%), Carson and Scott (both at 10%) reach double digits, though, at 9% [Tulsi] Gabbard gets close,” said the analysis.

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