Biden border crisis drives biggest ‘foreign-born’ surge ever


Illegal immigration that has exploded under President Joe Biden has driven the biggest surge in the foreign population in America ever recorded.

According to the Census Bureau, 15.6% of the U.S. population is now foreign-born.

A Center for Immigration Studies analysis of the new census numbers said Biden’s open border policies have fed the increase.

“In March 2024, the foreign-born population reached 51.6 million, 5.1 million more than in March 2022 — the largest two-year increase ever recorded in American history,” the report said.

It added that nearly 60% of the increase is from illegal immigration.

And significantly, less than half of those who crossed the border over the past two years have jobs, greatly raising the likelihood that taxpayers are footing the bill for them to be in the country.

“The current scale of immigration (legal and illegal) into the United States is without any precedent in the nation’s history,” the new CIS report said.

“Since President Biden took office in January 2021, the foreign-born population has increased by 6.6 million. We have previously estimated that 58% of the increase under President Biden is due to illegal immigration. If the trends since President Biden took office continue, the foreign-born population would reach 62.5 million in 2030 and 82.2 million by 2040 — larger than the current combined populations of 30 states plus the District of Columbia. Perhaps the most fundamental question these numbers raise is whether America can successfully incorporate and assimilate all the immigrants already here, let alone millions more in the future,” CIS said.

Among the highlights in the report shared with Secrets:

— “Since President Biden took office in January 2021, the foreign-born population has increased by 6.6 million in just 39 months.”

— “Nearly 58% of the increase under President Biden is due to illegal immigration.”

— “Only 46% of the foreign-born who arrived in 2022 or later were employed in the first part of 2024.”

— “Many newly arrived immigrants are children, elderly, disabled, caregivers, or others with no ability to work or interest in doing so.”


— “Only about 8% of the 2.5 million new arrivals who are not working say they are actively looking for work.”

— “The dramatic recent increases in the size of the foreign-born population represent net growth. The number of new arrivals was much higher but was offset by outmigration and natural mortality among the foreign-born already here.”

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