White House Report Card: Zogby says Biden presidency ‘not working well’


This week’s White House Report Card finds President Joe Biden fumbling with the economy and foreign policy worse than former President Jimmy Carter did in 1980, the year he lost in an electoral landslide to Ronald Reagan.

On the economic front, Biden dismissed continued inflation and surging unemployment to declare that people are just fine. “They have the money to spend,” he told the nation.

But the public has said otherwise. The University of Michigan Survey of Consumers sentiment index for May tumbled 12.7%.

On foreign policy, supposedly Biden’s specialty, he flip-flopped on Israel and declared that he was holding back congressionally approved arms in a dare over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to invade the Gaza city of Rafah, home to remaining Hamas terrorists. That move was ripped by Republicans and Democrats as politically motivated to please campus protesters.

Democratic pollster John Zogby told Secrets that Biden “is trying but he’s not connecting.” He graded the week a “D,” and added that his presidency “is simply not working well.”

Conservative analyst Jed Babbin agreed. He graded the week a “D-minus,” and added Biden’s latest pro-illegal migrant moves to the stumbling economy and Middle East mess.

John Zogby

Grade: D

This is the week that a pornstar testified against former President Donald Trump. Another alleged hush money recipient made news by not testifying. And the world is anxiously awaiting the key testimony of a convicted fixer/liar, Michael Cohen, next week.

President Joe Biden was out trying to sell his well-documented economic accomplishments but few seemed to buy it.

He used to be “Uncle Joe,” an empathetic figure who courageously triumphed over tragedy. He once was an experienced foreign policy expert who is now bogged down in foreign war quagmires. He should be a hero to young people for creating jobs and trying to relieve tens of thousands of student debt. But he is bogged down in a close fight with a man on trial for entertaining sleazy people.

He is still at a 40% approval rating. There is still time but it was clear this week that his approach — and perhaps his presidency — is simply not working well.

Jed Babbin

Grade: D-

It was another one of those weeks for the Biden kakistocracy. President Joe Biden managed to cram into it a huge lie on inflation, a decision to withhold aid from Israel, and new gifts to illegal migrants.

To friendly CNN, Biden claimed that he had the best record ever for cutting inflation and creating jobs. He told the interviewer that inflation was 9% when he came into office. The truth is that inflation was 1.4% when Biden came in and his radical, reckless spending hiked it to 9%, the worst in over forty years.

Biden — illegally, as in he lacks the authority to do it — declared that 100,000 “DACA” younger illegal migrants are eligible for Obamacare. At taxpayer expense, of course. Joe just can’t stop spending and spending. He’s also going to issue at least 10,000 government ID cards to illegal migrants to make sure they can get government benefits and make it possible for them to vote.

Biden also decided to pause arms shipments to Israel, a very close ally that is in mortal danger. He did so purely for political purposes, to push the Israelis to not invade the Gaza city of Rafah where the leaders of Hamas are hiding behind hostages. Wasn’t Trump impeached for threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine in 2019? Biden has actually done it, violating the same congressional direction that Trump was accused of.

Meanwhile, when a reporter asked Vice President Kamala Harris for her reaction to a Hamas claim that it had accepted a cease-fire deal, she answered, “Shrimp and grits.” (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over?) Old Joe isn’t the only person in the Biden regime who has mental acuity problems.


John Zogby is the founder of the Zogby Survey and senior partner at John Zogby Strategies. His podcast with son and managing partner and pollster Jeremy Zogby can be heard here. Their firm polls for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Follow him on X @ZogbyStrategies.

Jed Babbin is a Washington Examiner contributor and former deputy undersecretary of defense in the administration of former President George H.W. Bush. Follow him on X @jedbabbin.

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