Barrasso calls Biden ‘the president of high prices’


Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) referred to President Joe Biden as “the president of high prices” in a critique of Biden’s focus on combating climate change.

Barrasso’s criticism against Biden and the Democratic Party stemmed from the party’s “obsession” with climate and how it is affecting the ability to produce affordable energy, which in turn has an impact on the price of food. When asked if he would support former President Donald Trump in rolling back Biden’s focus on fighting climate change should he win the 2024 election, Barrasso said he “absolutely” would.

“Look, Joe Biden is the president of high prices, and people feel it at the gas station. They feel it at the grocery store,” Barrasso said on Fox Business’s Varney & Company. “And so much as the regulations and the stranglehold that this administration is putting on American energy, American energy workers, we have it, we have it here in abundance. We do it better environmentally than any place else in the world. This administration doesn’t get the fact that you can protect the environment without punishing the economy. They’re always trying to punish the economy and hurting the hard-working people of America.”

Barrasso, who said he believes that climate change is real, argued that the United States should be fighting climate change via “innovation.” He pointed to how his home state of Wyoming has “an integrated test center” that uses carbon dioxide and explained that this innovation is “the way to deal with it.”

The senator also pointed to other nations that he claimed are “the big ones” contributing to climate change, specifically naming China and India.

“You could shut down America tomorrow, and emissions would continue to grow, go up, just based on China and India alone,” Barrasso said.


In March, Barrasso received the endorsement of Trump for Senate Republican whip, calling him a “fantastic senator” who has his “complete and total endorsement.” 

The presidential election, which could be a rematch between Trump and Biden, is widely expected to see inflation as one of the biggest motivators for voters heading to the polls. A recent poll found that the economy, inflation, and safety from crime were identified as the biggest topics of concern among respondents.

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