The Bidenbucks threat to free and fair elections


Since Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg poured more than $400 million into liberal nonprofit organizations to help local election administrators increase voter turnout in places likely to vote for the Democratic Party in the 2020 election, 28 states have passed laws banning the use of private money to administer public elections.

President Joe Biden, however, has found a way around this, and it involves spending your tax dollars.

On March 7, 2021, he issued Executive Order 14019, which directs political appointees at every federal agency to “promote voter registration and voter participation.”

Every eligible citizen who wishes to vote should have the opportunity to do so, but only the most naive will think political appointees, people whose jobs depend on Biden winning reelection, would develop their voter registration and participation plans in a nonpartisan manner.

Biden’s political appointees will inevitably use the power of the federal government to target their registration and voting efforts on those voters most likely to support Democratic candidates. 

This February, Vice President Kamala Harris announced a slew of executive branch electioneering activities related to Biden’s executive order, including the Department of Health and Human Services sending voter registration to enrollees, the Department of Education using federal work-study dollars for voter registration, the Department of Agriculture sending voter registration information to child nutrition program recipients, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development working with public-housing authorities to register voters.

Do any of these federal agencies have experience running voter registration and voter participation programs properly? No, of course not. Their relevant experience is, or at least should be, in health, education, farming, and nutrition. So who are federal agencies turning to for guidance in crafting their voter registration and participation plans?

To the same liberal nonprofit groups Democrats have used for years to boost voter registration among their partisan voters. Documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project show the Department of Agriculture worked closely with the Democratically aligned Demos organization to craft voter registration and participation materials.

The Hatch Act of 1939 forbids federal government employees, including political appointees, from engaging in political activities while on the job. Biden and the Democrats will argue that their voter registration and participation activities are not political because they are not explicitly promoting Democratic candidates.

But Biden’s voter registration and participation push is not aimed at the general population. Its targets are recipients of government programs who are most likely to vote for Democratic candidates. Biden is doing what Zuckerberg did, using get-out-the-vote efforts exclusively among people most likely to support Democratic candidates. And he is paying for it with dollars taken from your pocket by taxation.


Given the public’s mistrust of the voting system, Biden must cease election activities connected with Executive Order 14019. Other than the Department of Justice, which oversees enforcement of the Voting Rights Act, and the Department of Homeland Security, which protects elections from foreign interference, no federal agency has any business participating in elections.

His actions, if they persist, will cast a shadow over the election this November, which is the last thing we need.

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