Bipartisan Policy Center taps former Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings as CEO


The Bipartisan Policy Center, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that works with lawmakers from both parties, announced Monday that former Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings will be the organization’s next CEO.

Spellings, who led the Department of Education from 2005 to 2009, the entirety of President George W. Bush’s second term, will take the reins of the bipartisan think tank following stints as the president of the University of North Carolina system and as the CEO and president of Texas 2036, another bipartisan think tank.


“I am thrilled to lead the Bipartisan Policy Center,” Spellings said in a statement Monday. “It is a consequential and much-needed place for ideas, solutions, and action. I look forward to building on the strong foundation laid by the founders, board, and staff and know that collectively we will continue to make a difference for our country.”

Her appointment was warmly received by several prominent politicians from both sides of the aisle. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Gov. Roy Cooper (D-NC) were among those who praised the appointment.

“Throughout her career, Margaret Spellings has brought together people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives to find common ground and get things done,” Cooper said. “Margaret is a thoughtful, pragmatic leader and I know she will lead the Bipartisan Policy Center with integrity and fierce determination to find commonsense solutions on critical issues facing our nation.”

Cornyn praised Spellings as an “accomplished professional,” and congratulated her on the appointment.


“Margaret is an accomplished professional who brings decades of private and public sector experience to the table and is held in high regard across the political spectrum, and I am confident that she will do an outstanding job in this new role,” Cornyn said in a statement.

Spellings’ career as Secretary of Education was notably marked by the continued rollout of the No Child Left Behind Act, which was Bush’s signature education policy achievement. She also worked in the Bush administration as a domestic policy adviser throughout Bush’s first term.

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