Universities should not be negotiating with their antisemitic students


University leaders who bend the knee to antisemitic mobs should be removed from their posts, as they are encouraging even worse behavior from protesters while allowing them to control university decisions.

The California State University system has offered an example of what exactly should happen. Mike Lee, the president of Sonoma State University, announced that he had cut a deal with antisemitic protesters, agreeing to start an academic boycott of Israel and to work with the antisemitic student group Students for Justice in Palestine as an advisory council on his decision-making.

In other words, Lee went full BDS, embracing and empowering the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement that targets the world’s only Jewish state and does so because that state dares to defend itself from genocidal terrorists. He tried to backtrack on this with a statement when the backlash began, but that only proves him to be incompetent and incapable of understanding what he was doing negotiating with antisemites in the first place.

The CSU system did exactly what it should have, placing Lee on administrative leave for insubordination. He took activist students up on their plans to single out Israel for criticism and sanctions and wanted to give those antisemitic students direct influence over university decision-making in the future on top of relenting to the demands they have no business making, all without the approval of the CSU system.


The only thing CSU approval would have shown, though, is that the entire system needs to have its leaders replaced along with Lee. Lee proved that he is not capable of leading a university, more so than the other university presidents who negotiated with protesters and ended up with vague promises on votes that their universities can try to brush away at a later date. Insubordination or not, Lee should be removed from his post.

This is an example for every university system of how to handle weak university “leaders” who are eager to please antisemitic students who think the world (and their college) should revolve around them. Just as you don’t negotiate with terrorists, universities should not be negotiating with terrorist-sympathizing, entitled students throwing tantrums on issues about which they understand nothing.

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