Jamaal Bowman has proved himself unfit for Congress


Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) is one of the worst members of Congress, and the country would be better off if he loses his reelection campaign.

Bowman recently had a debate with his Democratic primary challenger, George Latimer, who held a 17-point polling lead in an April poll from the Democratic Majority for Israel. In it, Bowman showcased all his worst qualities, saying that criticizing him for screaming at other members of Congress is a racist trope about “the angry black man” and defending the antisemitic phrase “from the river to the sea,” which is a call to eliminate Israel’s existence.

It was a perfect representation of Bowman’s brain-rotted worldview. Bowman has denied the existence of antisemitism at “pro-Palestine” campus protests and denied that Israeli civilians were raped by Hamas terrorists during the Oct. 7 massacre. His antisemitism has been recognized for years, yet he claims that it is impossible for him to be antisemitic because he is black. Bowman embraces the racial identitarianism and division that race-obsessed progressives want to force on every aspect of life.

If you need further proof of how deeply Bowman sinks into this ideology, his YouTube reveals he is subscribed to accounts that peddle all kinds of conspiracy theories, including racial ones about how “blacks are the true Jews” and “God did not create white: the Bible is all about blacks.”


All of this is before you even get to the fact that Bowman willfully committed a crime by pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote in Congress, then lied about how he thought the fire alarm was some sort of switch to open the doors so he could rush to a vote. We know he lied because video showed that he removed warning signs from the doors and then pulled the alarm and quickly walked away without even trying to exit through the doors he was supposedly in a hurry to open.

Bowman does not belong in Congress. He has shown himself to be a race-obsessed bigot who does not have the temperament or professionalism to be a lawmaker. Voters in his district can and should correct their mistake in November and send Bowman packing once and for all.

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