Harmeet Dhillon proclaims the NAIA ‘the leader in protecting female athletes in college’


The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics took a prodigious step this week in returning sanity to collegiate athletics and protecting female athletes. The conference announced a new policy regarding transgender athletes that stipulated that only biological females were permitted to compete in women’s sporting events. It was a decision that attorney Harmeet Dhillon applauded.

Dhillon, who is also the founder and CEO of the Center for American Liberty, proclaimed the athletic conference the guardian of protecting females in sports. 

“There has been an unrelenting intimidation campaign from left-wing activists and woke big business to force athletic associations to capitulate to the will of the transgender movement,” Dhillon told me in an exclusive interview. “The NAIA is now the leader in protecting female athletes in college. It’s the first collegiate athletic association to take the affirmative step of banning men — regardless of hormone treatments or surgeries — from competing against women. This should challenge and inspire other athletic associations to follow suit and take a stand for fairness in women’s sports.”

Dhillon is absolutely correct on this. All other athletic conferences should follow the NAIA’s lead. Other than being too timid to confront the transgender wing of the radical left-wing mob, there’s no reason not to implement similar protocols to protect women from biological men in sports. 

It’s a precarious situation that will undoubtedly face many challenges in the future. Dhillon explained how it could be navigated in the legal world to eventually expand to the entire NCAA.

“The fight to protect women’s sports has been a nationwide grassroots movement,” Dhillon said. “Americans are thinking about the women in their lives and standing up for their safety, privacy, and future athletic opportunities in the face of an aggressive leftist agenda that is severely out of touch with the country. Within just a few years, this movement has spread like wildfire, with nearly half of all states now banning boys and men from women’s sports. The fire will only continue to grow until the NCAA can’t withstand the heat.”

She also explained how the NCAA has an obligation to protect women and listen to science. Dhillon also predicted the future legal path of protecting women’s sports, hinting that it would ultimately make its way to the Supreme Court.

“The reality is that until the NCAA sets aside its political agenda and listens to science, the views of most Americans, and the female athletes at its member schools, there won’t be fairness across all NCAA schools without an act of Congress or a ruling from the Supreme Court,” Dhillon said. “Members of Congress have repeatedly introduced legislation that would clarify that allowing men to compete on women’s teams violates Title IX. This would force federally funded schools to protect women’s sports.” 

“Given Congress’s inability to pass even the most basic legislation, it seems more likely that the Supreme Court will have to step up and preserve the original intent of Title IX,” Dhillon said. 

I also asked Dhillon about many of the issues surrounding the contemporary assault on our cultural norms by the left-wing mob. One thing I brought up was the fact that many in the media have seemingly surrendered to using the Left’s language on transgender issues. For example, while the NAIA’s policy protected the essence of fair athletic competition among women, many referred to the NAIA’s action as a “transgender ban.” Such phrasing is propaganda to taint the decision and aggressively portray it in a negative way. Transgender people were not being banned; female athletes were being protected.


“The legacy media is so deep in the pockets of left-wing activists and politicians that it’s unrealistic to expect they’ll ever stand for truth over political talking points,” Dhillon said. “However, as more organizations like NAIA or female athletes like Riley Gaines take this bold stand for fairness in women’s sports, the more the media will be unable to ignore the heart of this issue.” 

“Men are competing against women and robbing these hard-working athletes of the opportunities they’ve rightfully earned. Logic will prevail.”  

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