Sage Steele shows that Keith Olbermann really is the worst person in the world


Left-wing pundits frequently like to proclaim that anytime a minority woman is criticized or attacked in the press, it is solely because of racism, sexism, white supremacy, or the patriarchy. Yet, this only seems to apply when the minority woman being criticized does not favor right-wing political talking points. If that woman does, then that poor, unfortunate soul will suffer the wrath of unrelenting attacks, and everything the Left previously warned about no longer applies.

For example, take former ESPN anchor Sage Steele and former ESPN and MSNBC host (and now certifiable lunatic) Keith Olbermann.

During an interview with Fox News last week, Steele recalled a 2021 interview that she had with President Joe Biden. Steele said that despite the appearance of it being a normal interview on the sports network, the interview was entirely set up and “scripted” and “structured” by ESPN’s executives. 

“That was an interesting experience in its own right because it was so structured,” Steele said. “And I was told, ‘You will say every word that we write out. You will not deviate from the script and go.’” 

“Every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many editors and executives. Absolutely. I was on script and was told not to deviate,” Steele said during the interview. “It was very much: ‘This is what you will ask. This is how you will say it. No follow-ups. No follow-ups. Next.’ … This went up to the fourth floor, as we said, where all the bosses, the top executives, the decision-makers are, the president of our company, the CEO, where they all worked.”

Steele’s words did not sit well with Olbermann, however. The extremist left-wing talking head went apoplectic over Steele’s revelation. The guy who virulently whines about the importance of telling the truth in politics had a major problem with Steele’s decision to tell the truth. He then went on the attack on X.

“Of course it was scripted,” Olbermann said condescendingly. “If it hadn’t have been @sagesteele — the dumbest person I’ve ever worked with in sports or news — couldn’t have gotten through it.”

Olbermann’s questionable grammar usage in his social media post aside, insults and other ad hominem attacks are usually a sign of unhinged anger and irrationality. And considering that Steele interviewed numerous people during her time at ESPN, Olbermann’s insinuation that she would need a script (to get through an interview with the octogenarian Biden, of all people) is just the latest example of how Olbermann is, as he used to say during his talking show days, the worst person in the world. 


Olbermann’s rage is indicative of how the Left works. Its supporters regularly mention the importance of being inclusive and embracing diversity — however, this only applies if one adheres to their political ideology and complies with their sociocultural demands. Steele had the audacity to tell the truth about Biden, and Olbermann couldn’t handle the truth, so he attacked Steele. It is what the Left has been doing for over 100 years. 

Fortunately, Steele is a warrior and Olbermann’s antics didn’t faze her. She just simply showed the country once again that Olbermann truly is the worst person in the world — and no one should ever take him or anything he says seriously.

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