The Biden ethnicity tracker: What ethnic group will Biden claim connection to this week?


President Joe Biden champions himself as a proponent of diversity. That’s probably a good thing for him because there is nothing more diverse in this country, and arguably the world, than the stories of Biden’s ethnic background(s). All this from a president, mind you, who said how much more honest he was than his predecessor.

Biden’s ethnicity tracker was activated again last week when, while speaking at a reception at the White House, the president touted his roots and “close relationship” to the Greek American community. During the ceremony, Biden said the reason why he was standing before them that day was because of the Greek community. 

“I should start by saying the only reason I am able to stand here is because of the Greek community,” Biden said in his opening remarks. “That’s not hyperbole.”

It was, indeed, hyperbole. 

“One of the things that I learned early on was that I had a very close relationship with the Greek American community — for real!” Biden said. “In the heart, and, I mean, real! In the church there, as well!”

Biden’s strong Greek connections come after he touted similar roots with the black, Irish, Catholic, Jewish, Polish, and Puerto Rican communities. Biden’s remarks were so hyperbolic that if he were not an octogenarian, one might reasonably expect him to start smashing plates, yelling “Opa,” and declare the ceremony as Biden’s “Big Fat Greek” press conference.

But this dishonest pandering is who Biden is at his core. He changes ethnic background stories so much that it is a legitimate shock that he hasn’t had sponsor one of his lavish, elitist political fundraisers.

One month, Biden was the son of a strong Irish-Catholic family; the next, he grew up regularly going to black churches — after going to Catholic Mass every day at 7:30 in the morning, of course. At another time, Biden grew up in a Polish community, and the next, he was raised by Puerto Ricans. 

Then, last September, after the Jewish High Holidays, Biden said he was raised “in the synagogues of his state.”

“And thank you all — all the rabbis on this call for being such a source of strength and wisdom to communities across America. I have long felt that strength and wisdom. I — you might say, raised in the synagogues in my state. You think I’m kidding. I’m not,” Biden said.

He was not kidding. He just was not being honest. Just think about the trail of backgrounds here. Biden’s synagogue experiences would have had to occur after going to Catholic Mass every morning, then going to the black churches while growing up in a Polish community after being raised by the Puerto Rican community. This weird, odd, and inexplicable constant demographic shift of Biden’s ethnicity is something he has done ever since he was elected president. It should raise red flags, but Biden’s supporters turn a blind eye to his deceitful statements.


Irish, Catholic, black, Polish, Puerto Rican, and Jewish. After last week, we can add Greek to Biden’s ethnicity tracker. Given the frequency with which he changes the stories of his ethnic origins and background, it’s only logical to ask which ethnic group Biden will claim to be connected to this week. 

When that question is answered, the only thing left to ask is why people keep on falling for Biden’s lies. Whether Biden may claim he is Puerto Rican, Irish, black, Jewish, Polish, or Greek, he is also the guy who emphasized the importance of elected leaders being honest to America’s voters. However, truthfulness seems to be the one thing Biden has shown he cannot claim to be. 

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